Pacific Manufacturing presents:
Green World"
"Planet Green World" is an open forum created by Pan
Pacific with the intention of promoting discussion and education of
important environmental issues among citizens of the world. Pan Pacific
believes that education leads to smart choices and smart choices will
result in a cleaner, greener environment. It is with such a premise that
Pan Pacific hopes to rid the earth of irresponsible and negligent disposal
of waste while all the while increasing the practice of reusing, reducing
and recycling. The earth is our home and Pan Pacific feels that we cannot
afford to take it for granted much longer. Please join us in our endeavor.
New? |
2010 New Product - Ecoplas
bag is an environmentally friendly bag which combines synthetic
polymer with tapioca, a naturally abudant substance. It also utilizes
micro-organisms in the soil, a free and abundant agent to help accelerate
the degradation process. With modern technology, we are able to
expedite the process of degradation Thus harnessing nature’s own
elements to preserve itself.
Ecoplas PDF flyer
New Product - Non-Woven
Bamboo Bag
Non Woven
Bamboo Bag is a rayon fabric made from a bamboo resources..
These innovative and stylish bags are also 100% biodegradable and
they can be decomposed in the soil by micro-organisms and sunlight.
New Product - It's
Naturally Green!
Non Woven
Jute Bags are made from a revolutionary eco-friendly natural
fiber coming from a renewable plant resource. These bags contain
degradable jute and poly fibers. The film is soft, smooth and breathable.
They have antibacterial properties and are even washable. These
sustainable and innovative bags are stylish and earth conscious
alternative to paper, plastic and non woven PP shopping bags.
Combine Green with "Style and you get Poly
Denim. Pan Pacific Manufacturing is proud to introduce
this new material that offers a stylish earth conscious alternative
for packaging. It is made from recycled PET bottles. This new twist
on PET is manufactured by reusing 100% recycled materials in the
production process. This results in a reduction of resources that
would have otherwise been used from our Mother Earth.
out our non-woven fact
the best features available in a
reusable bag!
Help save the environment, educate yourself
by reading Bill
AB 2449
California is
one of the first states in the Union to past a law that mandates
that retailers offer its customers a reusable bag alternative. |
of the Day |
19 billion plastic bags are disposed of annually in California, creating
147,038 tons of waste using over a million barrels of oil. That
means 600 bags are thrown away every second in a pointless cycle of
disposal costing our economy and our environment. |
Highlights: |
one ton of paper bags is reused or recycled, three cubic meters
of landfill space is saved and 13 - 17 trees are spared! In 1997,
955,000 tons of paper bags were used in the United States.
seedling programs. Planting and public pick-up. Call the Conservation
District for more information, 570-726-3196, ext. 5. |
Winter Spare the Air season runs from November 1, 2009, through February
28, 2010. During this period, it will be illegal to burn wood, pellets,
or manufactured fire logs when a Winter Spare the Air Alert is issued.
The Spare the Air Program was
established by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to educate
people about air pollution and to encourage them to change their behavior
to improve air quality.
| F.A.Q. |